Är detta startskottet?

Sent igår kväll kom de första reaktionerna på Allt om Öl's systerblogg "All about Beer UK/Ireland". En av Storbritanniens populäraste bloggare, Martyn Cornell, kommenterade "All about Beer UK/Ireland" i ett inlägg på hans blogg  Zythophile där han bl.a. skriver följande:
"Pelle (I’m so glad this is the webternets and not radio, as I have no clue how to pronounce his name) is a Swedish beer fan and runs a similar site in Sweden. Now, out of the great goodness of his Nordic heart, he’s done the same for us here in the British Isles, and I for one will be buying him several pints when (as I hope one day to) I meet him to thank him: there are a couple of British beer bloggers who have automatically updating lists of the latest from other people’s blogs, but neither, understandably, is comprehensive. This is a service the British Isles beer blogging community needed, and now, thanks to a Swede, we have it."
Inlägget har redan kommenterats några gånger och besöksantalet gick raskt uppåt.
Kanske är detta startskottet för "All about Beer UK/Ireland".

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